
X School organizes different contests to inspire students and the communities to reach their potentials as well as building strong connections.


X-Cup Art of Programming Contests

Every quarter, X-Cup art of programming contest is organized for all internal X-Camp CS100 students, as well as external students too.

Next contest time: 12/15/2024, Sunday 1-3PM PDT


X-Cup Fun Algorithms Contests

X-Cup Fun algorithms contests are for the students who just started learning the programming and algorithms but not at USACO bronze level yet.

Next contest time: 12/30/2024, Sunday 1-5PM PDT

Location: 4950 Mitty Way, San Jose, CA 95139


X-Cup In Person USACO Contests

X-Cup In Person USACO Contest is organized by X School and collaborators to ensure the trustworthy of the USACO contest results.

Next contest time: 12/14/2024 9AM-1PM PDT (Date is the first USACO contest)

Location: 4950 Mitty Way, San Jose, CA 95139